Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tips For Boost Up Your Online Earning

Hi all, thanks for commenting and looking forward to work online; first of all I want to congratulate you for your life, you are successful because of having a degree, wife and a kid.. you are successful because most people fail to do that even if they have a healthy normal life.
Welcome to ‘Earningway2u’, I created this blog to help my friends to learn how to earn money online how to do it as a career. Now if you work online, such as an online business or a freelance job, you will be doing it with your brain, not with your body.. so in this term you and I are both similar for the online industry.
This is your learning process and learn before you try this out, this is my very best advice for you.
1. Take a Look at Social Media Outlets:
Myspace, Facebook and Twitter all have people who might want to read what you’re writing about. Look around the other social media sites to see if there is something you can use. The more people who have a chance to see your work, the more quality readers you will receive.
2. Create Link-bait:
Linkbait is best defined as articles or controversial pieces that people want to read and share. List articles and heavily charged pieces are great to use for linkbait. If your format is easily digestible, it could qualify for being link bait.
3. Link Exchange:
This sort of reciprocal activity is common among bloggers. Find blogs within your niche and ask the authors if you can exchange links. This broadens readers’ horizons by giving them something new.
4. Email Readers About Cool Stuff:
This technique can be used after you know what some of your readers’ hot buttons are. If you know that someone loves it when you post about the money making aspect in your niche, send that person an email to tell them that a good article like that is coming up.
5. Join or Create Communities About Your Topic:
Using your favorite blog service, create something about the niche that you love. If there is already a community dealing with that niche, join it and comment regularly. This will allow more readers to see you and you can gain expert status.
6. Mention Other Blogs:
You read some great blogs which offer ideas and strategies related to your niche. Don’t be afraid to link to other blogs or put them in your blog roll. You will be thanked with more readership.
7. Write a Newsletter:
Blog posts are generally limited to one topic. An ezine or newsletter can cover plenty of subjects or further elaborate upon some of the items discussed. Newsletters and ezines provide more valuable information that people want to read.
8. Write an E-book and Give Away a Free chapter:
By giving away a chapter in your e-book you are seen as more personable and generous. Your readers will send that chapter to others and you will generate more interest about your blogs.
9. Comment on Other Blogs in Your Niche:
Every blogger says something different about the niche subject. Each blogger presents different ideas and new thoughts. Commenting on other blogs allows your blog to gain publicity and allows you to be seen as an expert.
10. Put Your Blog’s Address on Your Business Card:
Interactions happen in the real world and business cards are still exchanged. Your blog is something that you’re proud of, so why not let your associates take a look at it?
Generating publicity is easy, but the results take time to realize. Be persistent and you will gain more readerships.

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